2017 - present
fotografo-me reencenando a pose de autoretratos de vários pintores, por mim seleccionados. sobre essa selfie, pinto as obras de arte originais numa versão pixelizada usando o mspaint.
nesta experiência de ser eu e o outro ao mesmo, fundindo as minhas características físicas e artísticas com as do/a artista, neles me vou descobrindo.
I photograph myself re-enacting a pose of self-portraits by several painters, selected by me. on this selfie, I paint like original works of art in a pixelated version using mspaint.
in this experience of being me and the other at the same time,
fusing my physical and artistic characteristics with those of the artist, I discover myself in them.
2017 - present
fotografo-me reencenando a pose de autoretratos de vários pintores, por mim seleccionados. sobre essa selfie, pinto as obras de arte originais numa versão pixelizada usando o mspaint.
nesta experiência de ser eu e o outro ao mesmo, fundindo as minhas características físicas e artísticas com as do/a artista, neles me vou descobrindo.
I photograph myself re-enacting a pose of self-portraits by several painters, selected by me. on this selfie, I paint like original works of art in a pixelated version using mspaint.
in this experience of being me and the other at the same time,
fusing my physical and artistic characteristics with those of the artist, I discover myself in them.
© Mafalda Salgueiro 2021